秦敢 副教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2020-05-20   动态浏览次数:2992


秦敢 教授
















  • 代表性研究论文 :

1. 对“微波共振跃迁法测量电子偶素23S1-23PJ精细结构”实验拟合公式的探讨

秦敢,徐纪华,翁惠民,韩荣典, 原子与分子物理学报 10 (1993)2688-2695.

2. Investigation of solid state reaction of Co/Ti/Si and Co/Si by monoenergy positron

H.M. Weng, G. QIN, R.D. Han, S.L. Wu, P. Liu, C.L. Lin, B.Z. Li, and S.C. Zou

Materials Science Forum (Switzerland) 175-178 (1995), p233-236.

3. The optimization of experimental conditions in the measurements of the 23S1-23PJ fine structure splittings in positronium, Gan QIN, Huimin Weng, Rongdian Han, and Chen Pang , Materials Science Forum (Switzerland) 175-178 (1995), p751-754.

4. New vacuum state and symmetry breaking in polariton systems

Kelin Wang and Jinlong Yang, Tongzhong Li, and Gan QIN

Phys. Lett. A 236 (1997), 103-105.

5. 电子声子相互作用对介观环中持续电流的影响, 李铜忠秦敢韩榕生, 图书馆VIP学报 28 (1998)62-67.

6. Persistent current in a mesoscopic semiconductor ring with electron-phonon interaction in the two-band model, Tongzhong Li, Kelin Wang, Gan QIN, and Jinlong Yang, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 10 (1998), 319-326.

7. Stationary system of a two-level atom interacting with a single mode phonon, Gan QIN, Kelin Wang, Tongzhong Li, Rongsheng Han, and Mang Feng, Phys. Lett. A 239 (1998), 272-276.

8. 量子阱中极化子基态自陷能的耦合求解方法, 李铜忠秦敢韩榕生, 图书馆VIP学报 28 (1998)556-561.

9. Calculating the relativistic wave functions of 11S0 and 13S1 positronium , QIN Gan, Wan Shaolong, Han Rongdian, and Wang Kelin , Commun. Theor. Phys. 36 (2001), 85-90.

10.Exact Analytical Solution of a Polariton Model: Undetermined Coefficients Approach, G. Qin, K. L. Wang, and Z. D. Wang, Phys. Rev. A 66 (2002), 025804-1~4.

11.A two-state system with evolving process beyond Jaynes-Cummings model,  YI Zheng*, WANG Ke-lin, QIN Gan. 图书馆VIP学报34 (2004), 321-327.

12.Quantum games of continuous distributed incomplete information,  Xi Chen*, Gan Qin, Xianyi Zhou, and Jiangfeng Du Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 (2005), 1033-1036.

13.Quantum Bertrand’s duopoly of incomplete information,  Gan Qin, Xi Chen, Min Sun, and Jiangfeng Du,  J. of Phy. A: Math. & Gen. 38 (2005), 4247-4253.

14.Appropriate quantization of asymmetric games with continuous strategies,  Gan Qin, Xi Chen, Min Sun, Xianyi Zhou, and Jiangfeng Du,  Phys. Lett. A 340 (2005), 78-86.

15. A systematic approximate method for the study of evolution problem beyond rotating wave approximation , ZJ Zhang, KL Wang, G Qin, Chin. Phys. 14 (2005), 1317-1322.

16. Appropriate quantization of asymmetric games with continuous strategies,  Ming Ge*, Gan Qin, Shaolong Wan , Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 (2005), 2023-2026.